
I hope this web page provides one more link to our classroom. I will update it frequently with our weekly sight word list, as well as photos and news from our classroom! Thank you for visiting. Come back soon.

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Writing Workshop

Students participate daily in writer's workshop.  This is a very important and fun time in our day.  Students spent the first two weeks of school practicing drawing skills, and learning that pictures can tell a story.
Anchor chart - used to help students draw a detailed picture that tells a story.

At Dike-Newell School we use the Lucy Calkins' Units of Study to teach writing.  Students are writing narratives, that teach others about something they know a lot about.  It has been very exciting to see students taking risks, drawing detailed pictures, rereading their work, and sharing with the class what they have written each day.  Stay tuned for our Growing Writers anchor chart to see the specific skills we are working on in writing.  I will also attach some samples of student's writing soon!

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