
I hope this web page provides one more link to our classroom. I will update it frequently with our weekly sight word list, as well as photos and news from our classroom! Thank you for visiting. Come back soon.

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Are You A Book Lover?

Kindergarteners have been learning about our classroom library, and book handling skills.  We use this anchor chart (poster) in our classroom library to help us remember the things book lovers do when reading in the library.
You can help your child practice these skills at home.  Remind them of the five things book lovers do to help take care of their books at home!

We have also been learning about the different ways to read a book.  Below is a second anchor chart that is in our classroom library to help children remember the different ways to read a book.  Practice the first two ways to read a book at home with your child.
When a child can use picture clues to help them tell a story they are much more successful at reading independently.  Have your child tell you a story they already know very well to practice this skill at home.  

1 comment:

  1. Hi,
    I search desperatly the pictogram on your poster :( It's possible to tell me where you find it ?
    Thanks a lot ! :)
