
I hope this web page provides one more link to our classroom. I will update it frequently with our weekly sight word list, as well as photos and news from our classroom! Thank you for visiting. Come back soon.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Chewonki Visits This Week To Wrap Up Our Owl Unit.

Mrs. Deci’s Kindergarten News
January 30, 2012

Greetings Kindergarten Families!

We will continue learning about owls.  Students will create their own owl book with facts about owls and illustrations to match.  We will also continue to read and write about owls.  Our unit will come to a close with a visit from Chewonki.  They will be presenting to our class on Thursday morning. 

Below is an outline of the concepts that will be taught this week.
Language Arts
·       Long Vowels
·       Review Aa and Oo
·       Blending and Segmenting
·       Counting and Number Games
·       Number stories (adding and subtracting)
·       Weather/Seasons
·       Owls

This morning students attended a school wide assembly.  A slide show was presented of students busy at work and play!  Classes also prepared special presentations to share with the school. The kindergarten class sang our school song.  Ask your child if they can sing it for you. The lyrics are written below. 
Follow the rules (snap, snap)
Follow the rules (snap, snap),
Follow the rules, follow the rules, follow the rules (snap, snap),
Be safe, and be kind, be responsible, three simple rules,
For Dike-Newell School. 
Follow the rules (snap, snap),
Follow the rules (snap, snap),
Follow the rules, follow the rule, follow the rules.

If you have not already done so, please sign and return your child’s report card envelop tomorrow.  I was so impressed that everyone signed and returned them during the fist quarter.  Let’s do it again!

We are still collecting box tops.  If you have box tops at home please send them to school in your child’s folder.  Remember all money raised will go directly to Dike-Newell school.  Thank you for your support!

Don’t forget to send your child to school with snow pant, boots, mittens/gloves and a hat.  Students must have these items on to play in the snow.

Thank you for your continued help and support. Please don’t hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns at 443-8285. 

Have a great week!

Mrs. Deci

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Seasons, seasons there are four. Winter, spring, summer and fall. Which Season do you like best of all?

Over the past few weeks students have explored the four seasons, weather, and of course winter (we live in Maine)!  We have read many books, written about our favorite season and activities we like to do during that season!

We created a mitten graph (below) which shows which season was liked most in our class (summer).  It also shows whether the students liked the story, "The Mitten", by: Jan Brett.  As well as how old the students in my class are.  Each mitten is a glyph.  The students decorated their mitten after answering several questions.  The decorations they used represent their answers to each question.

We also read "Snowmen at Night".  This story is a great example of nonfiction.  Students created their own snowmen at night, and wrote about what they thought their snowman would do at night.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Box Tops, Box Tops...Send In All Box Tops!

Mrs. Deci’s Kindergarten News
January 9, 2012

Greetings Kindergarten Families!


We will be exploring seasons, winter weather and more!     We will read several Jan Brett stories including: The Mitten and The Hat.  Last week we read the Mitten and students acted out the story and practiced retelling skills.  This week we will do a class rewrite of the same story and read a new winter tale.  Students have been reading and writing about winter and their favorite activities to do in this season.

Below is an outline of the concepts that will be taught this week.
Language Arts
·       Final Consonant Sounds
·       Letter Oo
·       Blending and Segmenting
·       Short Oo Word Families: -ot, -op, and -og
·       Counting and Number Games
·       Probability
·       Patterning
Social Studies
·       Winter
·       Weather/Seasons

Dike- Newell School with support from the PTA is collecting Box Tops for Education.  Each box top that is collected is worth .10 cents for our school.  Please send them in your child’s folder, and I will collect them each morning.

There will be NO school on Friday, January 13, 2012.  This is a professional development day for the school district.  There is also NO school on Monday, January 16, 2012 in recognition of Martin Luther King Day.

Below is a list of items we are unfortunately still in need of.  I appreciate all donations made to our classroom.
·       Hand Sanitizer
·       Tissues
·       Lysol Wipes
·       Colored Pencils  (12 pack)

Thank you for your continued help and support. Please don’t hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns at 443-8285. 

Have a great week!

Mrs. Deci

Monday, January 2, 2012

Welcome Back!

January 3, 2012
Greetings Kindergarten Families!

It is nice to back at school.  I hope that everyone had a restful and fun holiday.  Coming back to school after a break can be challenging at times.  We will spend the first few days back going over routines and expectations. Please remind your child daily that it’s their responsibility to come to school to do their best and have fun. 

We will discuss new years resolutions and setting goals.  Discuss with your child what they hope to learn or be able to do within the next year.  There are so many possibilities, I look forward to discussing and learning about their goals this week!     

Below is an outline of the concepts that will be taught this week.
Language Arts
·       Final Consonant Sounds
·       Letter Hh
·       Blending and Segmenting
·       Counting and Number Games
·       Probability
·       Patterning
·       Measurement: Pan Balance
Social Studies
·       Winter
·       Weather/Seasons

There will be NO school on Friday, January 13, 2012.  This is a professional development day for the school district. 

As we begin the New Year there are several items that we are in need of in our classroom.  If you are able please try to donate one item. 
·       Hand Sanitizer
·       Tissues
·       Lysol Wipes
·       Colored Pencils  (12 pack)

Thank you for your continued help and support. Please don’t hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns at 443-8285. 

Have a great week!

Mrs. Deci