
I hope this web page provides one more link to our classroom. I will update it frequently with our weekly sight word list, as well as photos and news from our classroom! Thank you for visiting. Come back soon.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Welcome Back!

January 3, 2012
Greetings Kindergarten Families!

It is nice to back at school.  I hope that everyone had a restful and fun holiday.  Coming back to school after a break can be challenging at times.  We will spend the first few days back going over routines and expectations. Please remind your child daily that it’s their responsibility to come to school to do their best and have fun. 

We will discuss new years resolutions and setting goals.  Discuss with your child what they hope to learn or be able to do within the next year.  There are so many possibilities, I look forward to discussing and learning about their goals this week!     

Below is an outline of the concepts that will be taught this week.
Language Arts
·       Final Consonant Sounds
·       Letter Hh
·       Blending and Segmenting
·       Counting and Number Games
·       Probability
·       Patterning
·       Measurement: Pan Balance
Social Studies
·       Winter
·       Weather/Seasons

There will be NO school on Friday, January 13, 2012.  This is a professional development day for the school district. 

As we begin the New Year there are several items that we are in need of in our classroom.  If you are able please try to donate one item. 
·       Hand Sanitizer
·       Tissues
·       Lysol Wipes
·       Colored Pencils  (12 pack)

Thank you for your continued help and support. Please don’t hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns at 443-8285. 

Have a great week!

Mrs. Deci


  1. Love the video, Abby! Maybe you could share how to you did it with the staff?

  2. *that would be "how you did it" not "how to you did it"
