
I hope this web page provides one more link to our classroom. I will update it frequently with our weekly sight word list, as well as photos and news from our classroom! Thank you for visiting. Come back soon.

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Writing Workshop

Students participate daily in writer's workshop.  This is a very important and fun time in our day.  Students spent the first two weeks of school practicing drawing skills, and learning that pictures can tell a story.
Anchor chart - used to help students draw a detailed picture that tells a story.

At Dike-Newell School we use the Lucy Calkins' Units of Study to teach writing.  Students are writing narratives, that teach others about something they know a lot about.  It has been very exciting to see students taking risks, drawing detailed pictures, rereading their work, and sharing with the class what they have written each day.  Stay tuned for our Growing Writers anchor chart to see the specific skills we are working on in writing.  I will also attach some samples of student's writing soon!

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Are You A Book Lover?

Kindergarteners have been learning about our classroom library, and book handling skills.  We use this anchor chart (poster) in our classroom library to help us remember the things book lovers do when reading in the library.
You can help your child practice these skills at home.  Remind them of the five things book lovers do to help take care of their books at home!

We have also been learning about the different ways to read a book.  Below is a second anchor chart that is in our classroom library to help children remember the different ways to read a book.  Practice the first two ways to read a book at home with your child.
When a child can use picture clues to help them tell a story they are much more successful at reading independently.  Have your child tell you a story they already know very well to practice this skill at home.  

Apples, Apples Everywhere!

Apple Song

I'm a little apple short and round
I make a munchy, crunchy sound
If you bite into me
You will see
I'm delicious as can be!

We wrapped up our unit on the five senses Friday!  Highlights of the week included a taste test of red, yellow and green apples.  Students were able to chose their favorite color apple and we made a class graph.

Mrs. Deci's Class
Favorite Apple Picture Graph

Yellow Apples were our classes favorite, and green apples were are least favorite type of apple.

Students also helped to make applesauce on Friday.  We slowly cooked the apples all day, and had a special afternoon snack.  Students were able to touch the apples as we put them in the crockpot, they watched the apples throughout the day (and smelled them cooking too), and finally tasted the final product. It was a huge success!

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

September 16, 2014

We have been very busy.  Last week's open house was a huge success.  Thank you to all families who were able to visit.  I have attached a few photos of projects we have completed in the first few weeks.  
Students have been busy learning classroom routines and procedures. We came up with the following classroom rules.  They fall under the Dike-Newell Rules of "bee" safe, kind, and responsible.  

Students have been busy learning to read and write their name.  They are also busy learning their new friend's names.  Here are a few projects we have completed to help them learn these skills.
Rainbow Names
Students identified characteristics of the letters in their name.

Chicka Chicka Boom Boom TreesStudents ordered the letters in their name.
Mrs. Deci's Kindergarten Class's Hopes and Dreams for the Year!

The first week of school was spent talking about our hopes and dreams for the kindergarten school year.  Children were asked to share one thing they hope to be able to do by the end of the year,

Sunday, September 7, 2014

September 8-12, 2014

Welcome to Mrs. Deci's Kindergarten Blog.  I am looking forward to sharing news and photos of our work in kindergarten during the 2014-2015 school year!

The first week was busy and fun! Students toured the school, had their first fire drill and lockdown practices, and met many new friends.  I am excited for week two!  We will continue to practice routines and procedures this week.  Below is our specials schedule.  Students will meet Mrs. Main, out art teacher on Monday.

Monday - Art (Mrs. Main)
Tuesday - Library (Mrs. Hernandez)
Wednesday - Music ( Ms. Cyr)
Thursday - Library 9 Mrs. Hernandez) - Book are returned on Thursdays.
Friday - P.E. (Ms. McCauley)

I will post pictures of our first week, and projects we have completed later this week.  Stay tuned!

You're Invited
Dike-Newell School's Open House

Location:  Dike- Newell School

Date: Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Time: 6 - 7 pm.