
I hope this web page provides one more link to our classroom. I will update it frequently with our weekly sight word list, as well as photos and news from our classroom! Thank you for visiting. Come back soon.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

100th Day Collection

100th Day Collection
Dear Parents,

Tuesday, February 14th will be our 100th day of kindergarten!  We will be participating in many activities to celebrate the day.  One activity will be the creation of a 100’s Museum containing collections of 100 things brought in by each child. 

To help the children see the different ways 100 looks, I am asking each child to bring in a collection of 100 items.  Here are the criteria for your child’s collection:

o   The collection must be transported to and from school in a backpack or carried by your child.

o   The collection can be 100 of anything!  Common household objects are recommended (cereal, macaroni, photos, stickers, beads, etc.), but you are free to be creative and choose anything that is small.

o   Display the 100 items in a unique way.  Glue them to a piece of poster board, create a collage, or arrange them some other way.  Use your imagination, but keep it simple.

o   Collections are due on Monday, February 13, 2012.  Please have your child bring their collection to school on this day. 

Have fun and feel free to call me if you have any questions.

Happy 100th Day!

Mrs. Deci

94 Days and Counting...

February 6, 2012

Greetings Kindergarten Families!

We will begin preparing for the 100th day of school.  It is hard to believe how quickly the school year is going by, but today is day number 94, and the hundredth day of school will be next Tuesday.   This week we will read Mrs. Bindergarten Celebrates the 100th Day of Kindergarten, and Eric Carl’s, The Very Hungary Caterpillar.  We will complete art projects, and writing assignments to accompany these stories.

Below is an outline of the concepts that will be taught this week.
Language Arts
·       Letter Ff
·       Review –at and –an word families
·       Blending and Segmenting
·       Number Formation
·       Addition
·       Graphing
·       Attribute Block
·       Sorting
·       Weather/Seasons

We are still collecting box tops.  If you have box tops at home please send them to school in your child’s folder.  Remember all money raised will go directly to Dike-Newell school.  Thank you for your support!

As a school wide community service project we care collecting pennies for sheltered animals.  Please send in spare change for this cause.  I will check folders daily for any donated change.

Next Tuesday we will have a Valentine’s Day celebration.  Students will exchange cards and celebrate this holiday in the afternoon.  I have attached a slip of paper to this newsletter if you offered to donate a snack item for this party.  Please send items to school with your child on or before Tuesday, February 14th.   Below is a list of the students in our class, so that valentines can be filled out. 
Dale                  Abby
Benjamin            Arden
Bradley            Elijah
Penelope            Seamus
Carena            Maja
Sebastian            Dakota
Isabella            Shane
Jaidyn            Elizabeth
Tristan            Shilee

Thank you for your continued help and support. Please don’t hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns at 443-8285. 

Have a great week!

Mrs. Deci