
I hope this web page provides one more link to our classroom. I will update it frequently with our weekly sight word list, as well as photos and news from our classroom! Thank you for visiting. Come back soon.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Happy Holidays!

December 19, 2011

Greetings Kindergarten Families!

The holidays are upon us!  This week we will discuss different holidays celebrated in winter.  We will read and write about the holidays and complete crafts and activities to accompany our discussions.     

Below is an outline of the concepts that will be taught this week.
Language Arts
·       Final consonant Sounds
·       Number and Color Words
·       Blending and Segmenting
·       Number Formation
·       Probability
·       Patterning
Social Studies
·       Winter Holidays

There will be NO official sight word homework this week.  However, we will be working with number and color words daily at school.  If your child has not yet mastered identifying these words please continue to review them at home. 

Our class will have a holiday party on Wednesday, December 21, 2011.  Several parents volunteered to donate items for this event at our open house at the beginning of the year.  If you volunteered to bring something in for the party I have highlighted the item and attached it to this newsletter.  If you would like to donate something else, please contact me ASAP to insure we have everything we need for Wednesday afternoon. 

Please note, the party will be held on Wednesday because we have guidance on Thursday afternoon. 

There will be NO school on Friday, December 23, 2011. 

·       Hand Sanitizer
·       Tissues
·       Lysol Wipes
·       Quart Size Zip - Lock Bags
·       Colored Pencils  (12 pack)

Thank you for your continued help and support.  I hope that everyone enjoys the holiday break, I look forward to seeing and working with you in the New Year.  Please don’t hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns at 443-8285. 

Happy Holidays!

Mrs. Deci

Friday, December 16, 2011

Run, run as fast as you can! You can't catch me. I'm the gingerbread man!

 Our gingerbread unit came to an end today.  And what a way to go out... students listened to a final gingerbread tale.  "The Gingerbread Man Loose In the School. "  Students compared this version with more traditional stories and discussed differences in characters and setting.   We also made gingerbread men!  They were cute and DELICIOUS!  Here are our baked cookies, YUM!
We began the unit by discussing how to bake a cookie, and different types of cookies.  Students had to vote for their favorite type: gingerbread, chocolate chip, or sugar cookies.  We then made a class graph illustrating the results.  Students also made adorable gingerbread girls and boys to help decorate out library.  

Students have had fun reading "Who Stole the Cookies".  They have read it daily to see whose name will appear in the blank. 

After reading the Gingerbread Man, students participated in a class rewrite.  Above are samples of student writing. 

Most recently, students listened to Jan Brett's, The Gingerbread Baby.  Students painted gingerbread babies, and made gingerbread houses.  They turned out GREAT! 

This has been a truly enjoyable unit.  Students were able to fully explore characters, setting, story structure, and making comparisons.  It was fun to listen to their predictions, and explore these stories together.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Don't Miss the Holiday Fair!

December 12, 2011

Greetings Kindergarten Families!

We will wrap up the unit: The Gingerbread Man!  Over the past couple of weeks students have listened to, compared, and discussed several versions of the “gingerbread story”.  This week we will wrap up the unit by making gingerbread houses, and cookies.   

Below is an outline of the concepts that will be taught this week.
Language Arts
·       Letter Cc
·       Blending and segmenting
·       Making Predictions
·       Story Structure (beginning, middle and end)
·       Number Formation
·       Measurement
·       Probability
·       Patterning
Social Studies
·       Winter Holidays

The holiday fair is on Tuesday, December 13, 2011.  If you would like your child to purchase gifts at the fair please complete and return the form that was sent home.  List the names of individuals you would like your child to buy gifts for on the form.  Please only include immediate family members (mom, dad, siblings, step-parents, etc…).  Students will not have time to purchase items for other family members.   Send quarters to school with your child in a sealed envelope or baggy labeled with your child’s name.  Please put all money in their folder.  I will collect it in the morning.  This will assist in organizing and planning for our visit to the fair on Tuesday morning. 

We will be making gingerbread houses on Wednesday morning.  Thank you to ALL families who donated an item for this project.  There is still time to send in a donation for this project.  We will be using all leftover items on Friday to decorate gingerbread cookies as a conclusion to our unit.

**Please note: the gingerbread house your child brings home will NOT be edible.  We will be using glue to construct the house. 

There will be NO school on Friday, December 23, 2011. 

Below is a list of items our class is in need of as we enter the new year.  In addition to the sundry items, the items below will be used for academic projects and games. The beginning of the school year has been very successful. Thank you for your continued help in support.
Please don’t hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns at 443-8285. 

·       Hand Sanitizer
·       Tissues
·       Quart Size Zip - Lock Bags
·       Colored Pencils  (12 pack)

Have a great week!

Mrs. Deci

Sunday, December 4, 2011

You Can't Catch Me, I am the Gingerbread Man!

December 5, 2011

Greetings Kindergarten Families!

We will continue the unit: The Gingerbread Man!  Last week we discussed the process or steps it takes to make a cookie.  Students also voted for their favorite type of cookie and we made a class graph.   Students listened to the classic “Gingerbread Man” story and began making puppets to use as a tool for retelling the story. 

Below is an outline of the concepts that will be taught this week.
Language Arts
·       Review beginning sounds (Gg, Mm, Nn)
·        Short Vowel Aa
·       Segmenting Words (breaking them into sounds: m-a-n)
·       -an Word Family
·       Story Structure (beginning, middle and end)
·       Number Formation
·       Estimation
·       Patterning
Social Studies
·       Winter Holidays

Please remember to send you child to school with appropriate winter clothing for outdoor recess.  Discuss with your child where to put these items in their backpack so that they are not lost at school.  Students are responsible for their own hats, gloves, etc…, throughout the day.  Thank you for your help.

The first of three Dike-Newell School Concerts will be held on Tuesday, December 6, 2011 at 6:00 p.m.  Come and enjoy the first grade class’s Holiday Concert! 

The holiday fair will be coming to Dike-Newell School on Tuesday, December 13, 2011.  The PTA has sent information home about this event and more will follow.  Please send money to school in a labeled envelope or baggy if you would like your child purchase items at the holiday fair. 

As part of our gingerbread man unit, we will be making gingerbread houses.  A letter will be coming home in your child’s folder outlining items we are in need of for this project.  Please try to donate at least one item on the list so that we have enough treats to decorate our houses.  Please note, that none of the candy/treats will be eaten. 

Thank you for your continued help and support.  Please don’t hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns at 443-8285. 

Have a great week!

Mrs. Deci

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Playing with Symmetry!

This week students have been plying with and exploring symmetry in many ways.  At the beginning of the week students made symmetry paintings.  Here they are!

Working with partners students played with symmetry as they used pattern blocks to make symmetrical designs.  Here are just a few of the creative ideas they came up with.